The JANE2 (The EU Joint Action on Networks of Expertise on Cancer) project aims to develop seven networks of experts to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment across Europe. The networks cover the following topics:

  1. complex cancers with poor prognosis;
  2. Palliative care;
  3. survival;
  4. personalised prevention/secondary prevention;
  5. oomics technologies;
  6. high-tech medical resources;
  7. young adults with cancer.

The new expert networks will provide services to the whole European oncology community: clinical guidelines and recommendations, quality of care criteria, health and economic models, educational support, research promotion, support to patient representatives, policy lobbying support.

Project duration: 2024-2028

Project budget: €40.5 million

Partners in Estonia: North Estonia Medical Centre, Ministry of Social Affairs, as observer ESTCAN

ESTCAN contact person: Kadi-Liis Veiman, kadi-liis.veiman@ut.ee

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