Cancer Data Dashboard

Started at the University of Tartu Hospital, now in development across Estonia. The aim of the project is to develop and pilot a patient-based cancer care dashboard to enable data-driven decision making. Project deliverables:

Patient-based and nationwide:

  • Person-centered overview of the patient’s cancer journey – for the treating physician, patient, quality specialist, hospital management.
  • Enables data for analysis and policy development.
  • Provides information on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of treatment.
  • A nationwide view of cancer centers to aggregate data into TIS.

Integration with existing systems:

  • Integrated with pathology, laboratory, genetics, multidisciplinary consortium, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
  • Allows automatic export of data to the dashboard.

Structured data are available:

  • For cancer centers and national authorities to assess quality indicators, perform high quality data analysis.
  • Enable secondary use of data, including for research purposes.

Data collection :

  • Automated as much as possible and complying with the TEHIK data exchange standard.

Conditions to be fulfilled if possible :

  • Patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) and patient-reported experience measures (PREM) data collection.
  • Integration of quality indicator alerts, such as timing criteria, to monitor whether a cancer patient reaches a consultation and treatment within a nationally agreed timeframe..
  • Submission and clarification of data to the cancer registry.

Project duration: 2025-2028

Project budget: €1 495 000

Financed by the State Chancellery Innovation Fund through the Public Sector Innovation Capacity Building measure.

Partners in Estonia: Tartu University Hospital​, North Estonia Medical Centre, East Tallinn Central Hospital​, Tallinn Children’s Hospital​, Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre​, National Institute for Health Development​, Estonian Health Insurance Fund, Ministry of Social Affairs 

ESTCAN point of contact: Anne-Mari A. Willmore,

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